Happy International Women's Day 2021

Happy International Women’s Day! ♀️ We’re raising a glass to women around the world on this day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. We want to give a special shout out to the passionate and hard working ladies here at Old Flame. We checked in with the ladies and inquired, "Why do you enjoy working in the beer industry?" The responses we received were very heartwarming. Read on below!
Megan - Why do I like working in the craft beer industry? There's a sense of community in the craft beer industry that makes working feel like working with family. We all support each other and it's always over a good brew.
Madi - The beer industry is such a tight knit crowd, it just feels like there is a family aspect to the industry.
Elisa - It has grown to be very inclusive! The beer industry has a great atmosphere, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t drink a ton of beer! People don’t expect it when I say I work at a brewery, and it can feel empowering. There is lots of opportunity for growth and to explore new things, and it’s awesome to be encouraged to find what I like to do!
Sam - The Beer industry is a good outlet for me to express my creative side and also a way to embrace my scientific inclinations!
Amy - I like working in the beer industry because it does not feel like a job, and more of a hobby! I love the community that the beer industry draws out, every customer and coworker i have had the privilege to interact with has been joyful and fun. Getting to know the ins and outs of the brewing process and having the opportunity to interact with the process is education and makes drinking the beer even more enjoyable! (if that’s even possible!)
Lora - Meeting a lot of interesting people with similar interests and talking about something that I'm passionate about; beer!
Shelly - Well, I love working at Old Flame—front of house or brew crew—because I love any opportunity to learn new things and to relate those new things to past education experiences. One of my undergrad majors was Biological Anthropology, you can Google it, but in short I know some sciencey things and I know some things about humans; this is one of the lenses that I experience the beer industry through. I love the sciencey and mechanical bits in the production side and I am really fascinated by/stoked with the human interaction parts of working front of house.
Also I love, love, love beer and I am really great at drinking it. Old Flame has afforded me the opportunity to really explore something I adore by learning about brewing history, beer tasting and food pairings, flavour profiles, and all varieties of beers in Prud’homme courses. I would be drinking all the beers anyway, but now I get to do that for education and research purposes, which makes my family super proud. I have worked in many fields, but working in beer is the first field where it feels like countless years of very unmarketable education and life/work experience is really coming together. Cheers!
Kelly - Well, I love Old Flame and I love drinking beer! So it’s a perfect fit!
Andrea - The beer industry is pretty fun. There's always something going on like a new beer launch or an event to go to. Being part of quality control is pretty cool too ! The beer industry is pretty fun! There’s always something going on like a new beer launch or an event to go to. Being part of quality control for beer is pretty cool too!
Carly - Having a background in hospitality, I knew I had a love for creating a connection with other people. Working in the beer industry has been such an incredible learning experience! Each day I look forward to coming to work and seeing the smiles on people's faces. What makes it even better is getting the opportunity to broaden their horizons with beer! Being a beer-tender at Old Flame has given me the opportunity to connect on a different level with our guests, and be able to teach them about different beers and the history behind the brand. My coworkers at the brewery have also become more like a family, and I will cherish that forever. I couldn't be more proud to work at a brewery and will always continue to flaunt the Flame!
Kyra - I grew up in a “foodie” family and beer was a great bridge from that love, finding the perfect pairing with a dish to elevate it. I’ve been a lover of history since before I can remember, so diving deep into the history aspect of beer has been incredible since it is so rich. I love to travel and explore, visiting different places, the breweries and the beers, how they reflect the surrounding area. This industry offers me the ability to push myself to always keep learning about beer and the industry. I can express myself creatively, with photography, art and recipe ideation. All my interests seem to tie into beer, which is why I love having the opportunity to work in the industry, and meet people who are equally passionate. It is so rewarding to be able to gush about your passions with similar folks, especially the amazing women at Old Flame. Putting together this list was very rewarding, and I am blessed to be surrounded by amazing women, not just from Old Flame, but across the industry.