The "Q" Word in Brewing

A Brewmaster's Blog: Notes from Richard
Oftentimes in our industry the 'Q' word gets thrown around, and oftentimes the promise is left unfulfilled. The standards are always changing, and the goal posts of expectations are constantly being moved. It is not an easy pursuit but a rewarding one. And while I cannot speak on anyone else's experience, I'd like to talk about ours.
At Old Flame, the 'Q' word is more than a word. It's an attitude. And over the course of my career, you either got it or you don't. It's very difficult to teach, and almost impossible to train. The inherent commitment to the pursuit of excellence is DNA-specific, and at our brewery we are fortunate because we got a ton of it.
And as you can imagine, the 'Q' word is not just reserved for the finished product. It's the code that guides us there. It stretches from how we treat one another to the level of detail we apply to our process and ourselves. It is a mountain top that continues to get higher the more we climb, because every time you arrive at a peak, you realize there is a better view just out of reach. It instills pride but keeps us grounded.
This unique craft lager mix-pack is our message to the world. And while we know there are incredibly talented people leading change, driving innovation, and chasing the 'Q' word in their own disciplines, we also happen to know everyone needs to take a moment to enjoy a cold one. And so here is to everyone chasing the highest form of quality, you can rest assured we are chasing it too.